AI-FI (Artificial Intelligence Finance)

The AIFI (Artificial Intelligence Finance) concept is an innovative economic model built around user data contributions. Its core goal is to stimulate and encourage economic activities within and outside the game by rewarding users for providing training data to AI systems. AIFI deeply integrates artificial intelligence with decentralized finance (DeFi) principles, using users' data contributions to drive the learning and evolution of game agents, while creating tangible economic returns for users.

Application of AIFI in AIMETA:

  • Player-Driven AI Training: In AIMETA, every interaction, decision, and creation by players not only enriches the game world but also becomes valuable data for training AI agents. Players contribute to AI model learning by engaging in specific game tasks, social activities, or creating content, helping AI better understand player behaviors, game strategies, or innovative content.

  • Data Contribution Incentive Mechanism: Through AIFI, AIMETA has established a reward system where players providing training data to AI can earn tokens or other forms of rewards based on the quality and quantity of their contributions. This mechanism encourages active participation and contribution from players, enhancing the game's interactivity and engagement.

  • Co-Creating an Intelligent Game Ecosystem: The AIFI model encourages players and AI to co-create game content. The combination of players' creativity and AI algorithms can create novel and unique game experiences, storylines, or challenge tasks. Players not only see the real effects of their contributions but also earn substantial economic rewards in the process.

  • Transparent Contribution Tracking and Reward Distribution: Leveraging blockchain technology, AIMETA can accurately record each player's data contribution and reward distribution process. This transparent and immutable record mechanism ensures fairness in reward distribution and enhances players' trust.

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